Oi! I’m Anna

I’m passionate about

I’m a Brazilian UX designer that loves exploring the world and learning new things. I graduated in design from the Technological Federal University of Paraná, where I had the opportunity to explore several fields of study, as well as extracurricular activities such as Junior Enterprises and Athletic Associations.

Furthermore, I’ve always been very determined and annoyingly persistent, thus I’m self-taught in English and lived in Ireland for three months. I consider myself a very communicative and expressive person, and I’m currently learning French. I also believe in the power of design to change the world for the better, and to be able to create something that might help someone, even in a small way, brings me immense joy!


Very excited about the park
Brugge, 2021

complete CV


Technological Federal University of Paraná
Design Barchelor
Graduated 2022


Let´s Copy
Digital print operator

Graphic Design Intern

Content Intern

junior enterprise
Project director


  • Photoshop
  • Illustrator
  • Adobe XD
  • Wireframing
  • Prototyping
  • Writing
  • UX/UI
  • Branding


Google (online)
UX Design

Aldeia Coworking
UX Design (mobile)

Aldeia Coworking

Here are some examples of my work as a graphic designer

Sustainable Development logo

Sustainable Development Goals Campaign

Graphic Design
Day to Cooperate Campaign logo

Day to Cooperate Campaign

Graphic Design
Military Police Day Campaign logo

Military Police Day Campaign

Graphic Design
AdoteVL logo

Website for Adote um Vira Lata (NGO)

UX design I UI design

Sustainable Development Goals Campaign

Graphic Design

Sustainable Development Goals Campaign Poster 1
Sustainable Development Goals Campaign Poster 2
Sustainable Development Goals Campaign Poster 3
Sustainable Development Goals Campaign Poster 4
Sustainable Development Goals Campaign Poster 5
Sustainable Development Goals Campaign Poster 6
Sustainable Development Goals Campaign Poster 7
Sustainable Development Goals Campaign Poster 8
Sustainable Development Goals Campaign Poster 9

Tools used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop

This was a Graphic Design project done for a Sustainable Development Goals campaign, wich are a part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. There are 17 goals and they were designed to be a "blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all".

Here there are a few selected arts for Whatsapp.

Day to Cooperate Campaign

Graphic Design

Day to Cooperate Campaign Poster 1
Day to Cooperate Campaign Poster 2
Day to Cooperate Campaign Poster 3
Day to Cooperate Campaign Poster 4

Tools used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop

The Day to Cooperate (or Cooperativism Day) aims to "take care of people, of the regions where there are cooperatives, preserve the environment, carry out actions in which everyone can benefit through the sharing of volunteering and solidarity experiences". This event intends to develop social responsibility actions, putting into practice cooperative values such as solidarity and interest in local development.

Many cities participate in the C Day actions, and a couple of the arts made for this can be seen here (left).

Military Police Day Campaign

Graphic Design

Military Police Day Campaign Poster 1
Military Police Day Campaign Poster 2

Tools used: Adobe Illustrator, Photoshop

This campaign had the goal to celebrate the Military Police Day, celebrated in Brazil on the 24th of June, with a series of arts for feed, whatsapp and printed banners.

Displayed on the left, there is the art for whatsapp and instagram feed.
